
How do I register my child or students?

Have your child or student(s) read five (5) age-appropriate books in the month! After you read the five (5) books, go to www.houstondynamofc.com/community/reading. Then, enter the titles of the five (5) books along with participant information in the “Diesel’s Readers Reading Challenge Form.”

What do you get for participating?

Each participant will receive a free ticket to a select Houston Dynamo FC or Houston Dash home game for completing the reading program.

How do I redeem the free ticket?

Each participant will receive a Certificate of Competition via email. Each certificate includes a QR Code that directs participants and their families to a link to redeem their free ticket.

I’m a teacher/librarian. What do I get for my students' participation?

Every teacher/librarian, with 25 or more participants will receive a pair of tickets to an upcoming Houston Dynamo FC or Houston Dash game.

How long does the program last?

This is a month-long program. All five (5) age-appropriate books must be read and submitted within the month.

I missed the due date for registration, can I still participate?

Yes! Diesel’s Readers will run multiple times throughout the year, so be on the lookout for our next challenge.

Do you have any more questions that were not answered?

Please contact Dynamo Charities at charities@houstondynamo.com